Cooked Food

Feeding others and sharing food is one of the most emphasised deed in Islam. The Prophet (SAW) has encouraged his ummah to provide iftar in Ramadan, give Fitr to feed the poor and distribute meat of Qurbani in the days of Ed-ul-Adha.

Narrated ‘Abdullah bin ‘Amr:
A man asked the Prophet, “What Islamic traits are the best?”

The Prophet said, “Feed the people, and greet those whom you know and those whom you do not know.”

Hygienic food is one of the necessities of life. Around 925 million people in the world do not have enough to eat and 98% of these people live in the developing world.

Arsh Foundation has started providing hygienic cooked food in order to play its part in eliminating hunger and now you can be a part of this too. Special care is taken to ensure that the food meets the hygiene and cleanliness conditions. Food is distributed outside government hospitals as well as villages and other remote areas of Pakistan, where it is most needed.

We urge you to follow this sunnah of showing generosity towards those who are vulnerable and earn countless rewards.

“And they give food in spite of love for it to the needy, the orphan, and the captive, [saying], ‘We feed you only for the countenance of Allah. We wish not from you reward or gratitude.’”
(Surah Al-Insan 76:8-9)

The Messenger of Allah (SAW) said, ‘Worship Ar-Rahman, feed others, spread the (greeting of) peace, then you will enter Paradise with security (salam)’ [Tirmidhi].

SubhanAllah! This shows how important this blessed deed is in the eyes of our Lord. Play your part in bringing betterment in a fellow ummati’s life and surely you will be rewarded.


Your generosity helps us:

  • Prepare and distribute thousands of meals every month.
  • Reach underserved communities and ensure no one goes hungry.
  • Support daily wage workers, widows, and orphans facing food insecurity.
  • Spread kindness and hope through the gift of food.

You can donate by making online bank transfer in our charity account:
Arsh Foundation
Barclays Bank Plc
Sort Code: 20-45-45
Account Number: 50395722